CRO: The Why and How

We’ve long been transitioning from a brick-and-mortar economy to a digital-first environment. Now more than ever it’s vital that your website be easy-to-use, help people find the information they’re looking for, and encourage users to take next steps. That’s where Conversion Rate Optimization, or CRO, can help.

What is CRO?

CRO is a process which uses A/B testing and a data-driven methodology to increase the number of users who take a desired action on your site. In short, it’s asking yourself these questions:

  • What is the most valuable action a visitor can take on my website?
  • How can I run small tests – in copy, in the navigation, or calls-to-action – that will increase this action?
  • What is the value of these additional actions to my business?

Did You Say Real Revenue?

Not yet, but that’s next. CRO begins by answering the questions above, and then designing and launching a series of tests to see what changes result in more actions being taken.

Atypical Digital uses a validated, statistically significant approach in order to measure real revenue impact. By launching a test to a small group of people, we have controlled (original) and exposed (new) variables. “Winning tests,” or those that reach a statistical significance, are rolled out to the site for all users while we start coming up with the next round. This means validated revenue modeling.

Atypical Digital provides a direct measurement of CRO success. There’s not a whole lot of things that can do this. Or a whole lot of experts who can do this. We’ve built a team of certified CRO experts with many years of experience helping businesses grow. And we’re proud of that.

Our Approach

Atypical Digital’s approach to CRO is guided by three principles:

  • Testing should ‘do no harm’
  • ‘Voice-of-the-user’ is the best feedback and insight
  • Business impact, be it revenue, form submissions, or other, is our key metric

Choosing the right partner is important. We are certified CRO experts with many years of experience working across all industry categories. We use a number of tools to understand your customers’ behavior, create website tests, and analyze the results:

  • We are proud partners with Optimizely, AB Tasty, and FullStory
  • We are in the top 10% of agencies providing CRO to our customers with real, validated revenue increases
  • We have case studies demonstrating the impact CRO has on an organization and how it guides the user experience

Let’s Get Started – Free Custom Analysis

Atypical Digital has a proven methodology for growing businesses of all sizes. From small and mid-size companies to the world’s Fortune 100 list, our team can show you how a CRO program pays for itself.

We’re dedicated to helping our clients succeed. Give us a chance to be your partners and contact us today.


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