How to Test and Optimize Transformative Content

3 minute read

More than one-fourth of the world’s population does shopping online. The number of digital buyers will continue to grow, which motivates businesses for digital transformations. If a company didn’t launch a website before, it’s time to think about building one now. If a company already has a website, it’s vital to keep up with the latest technological innovations to adapt its user experience accordingly. This is when testing and optimizing digital platforms come in handy. 

How can testing help businesses improve their content strategies? Let’s find out.  

There are many reasons why running content experiments can be beneficial to your company. Some of the major advantages include:

  • Increased conversion rates. Making a user visit a website isn’t enough any longer. The biggest victory is making them take action on your site, click on banners, and make an order. Content testing can help businesses get better results.
  • A solid set of tests can help businesses reveal their customers’ pain points and improve user experience

Content testing is imperative for obtaining high conversion rates and retaining customers, which provides an edge over the competition. The following are the four key tests for optimizing transformative content businesses can execute. 

1. Functional testing

Every website or application has a set of functions that must work correctly to provide customers with a better user experience. It is as simple and obvious as checking whether links go to the correct pages or users’ orders are safely processed. 

The category covers such tests as:

  • The account creation and login to a website or an app;
  • Processing payment; 
  • Adding or removing items from the shopping cart; 
  • Uploading images or documents; 
  • Using online chat or a contact form;
  • Clicking on links or buttons;
  • Browsing a website on different devices or web browsers.

2. Usability testing

Such tests are related to improving users’ digital experience. A customer should navigate through your site’s content effortlessly and complete the checkout process easier and worry-free. Such tests help businesses find design flaws and improve websites to prevent similar issues from happening ever again. For example, usability testing includes checking whether the on-site search works flawlessly or an error message shows up when a user tries to submit a form without filling out all required fields.  

3. Performance testing

By running performance tests, businesses can ensure that websites’ hardware and software components meet the compute, networking, and storage resources used in making a website or an application run smoothly. Such tests include testing the load time of different website pages, analyzing the app’s response time, checking the site’s or app’s performance in an environment with slow bandwidth, etc. 

4. A/B testing

While running A/B tests on their websites or applications, businesses can determine what aspects of their web pages appeal the most to their target audience. Companies can create several versions of the same page to reveal version A to 50% of their visitors while the other 50% will see version B. On checking the stats when the A/B testing ends, businesses can see which page version generated the most click rates and impressions. 

Before running content tests on your website or app, ensure clearly defined success criteria. Do you need help optimizing content testing on your site? Contact Atypical Design to maximize your digital transformation efforts. 


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